Wednesday, March 25, 2009

On the hunt . . .

It's axiomatic that in the current publishing climate it's just as hard (some would say harder) for a new author to be offered representation by an agent as to find an editor willing to take a chance on a newbie. But that's just what I'm going to be doing this weekend at the New England "Let Your Imagination Take Flight" Conference. The agent of my dreams is attending and I have a pitch appointment.

Condensing 400 pages of sweat and blood into a bite-sized morsel is always a challenge. A hearing-impaired teacher speechreads a "murder-for-hire" contract on an MIT math professor and becomes the target of a serial "accident artist." When she decides to find out why the professor was killed, can she trust the homocide detective, who's also her cheating ex? Or the new man in her life whose secrets mount by the day? Or only herself?

Of course, I want to entice this agent with my story, but I also want to sell her on myself--my ability to consistently produce marketable manuscripts and help promote them as well. Publishing is looking for authors who work and play well with others.

Wish me luck!

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